Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013

New: Bios update Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Xa 3530.  Feel free to write me an e-mail.

- new AMD RAID rom version 3.0.1540.59
- GPU and DDR overclock (670 Mhz / 780 Mhz)
- GPU undervolt core voltage changed into 0.989 volts
- 3 new sub-menus (Phoenix BIOS Advanced Menu)
- Conventional ram cache menus - GPU menus

I permantently activated the esc-key sequence so it bypass the loading error.

seg000:016B loc_16B: ; CODE XREF: seg000:00BBj
seg000:016B call sub_CB0
seg000:016E mov ds:byte_5A24, 0
seg000:0173 push bx
seg000:0174 call sub_DFE
seg000:0177 pop bx
seg000:0178 nop
seg000:0179 nop
seg000:017A call sub_26C
seg000:017D call sub_1F0
seg000:0180 mov cx, 0BB8h
seg000:0183 loc_183: ; CODE XREF: seg000:019Cj
seg000:0183 mov ah, 1
seg000:0185 int 16h ; KEYBOARD - CHECK BUFFER, DO NOT CLEAR
seg000:0185 ; Return: ZF clear if character in buffer
seg000:0185 ; AH = scan code, AL = character
seg000:0185 ; ZF set if no character in buffer
seg000:0187 jz short loc_199
seg000:0189 xor ah, ah
seg000:018B ; Return: AH = scan code, AL = character
seg000:018D cmp ax, 2106h
seg000:0190 jz short loc_1A0
seg000:0192 cmp ax, 1519h
seg000:0195 jz short loc_1A0
seg000:0197 jmp short loc_1BD
seg000:0199 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:0199 loc_199: ; CODE XREF: seg000:0187j
seg000:0199 call sub_2318
seg000:019C loop loc_183
seg000:019E jmp short loc_1BD
seg000:01A0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

02.05.12 Roy S. 5€
06.06.12 Stephan W. 10€
16.11.13 Alex U. 5$
19.01.14 Jarnof M. 5,55€

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Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013

N900 Tune Up

The N900 Tune-Up efficiently optimize and clean the Nokia N900 smartphone. This program is very easy to install. Feel free to write me an e-mail.
  • Offload memory swap with a 2nd swap partition on the external SD-Card (optional). SD-Card partition can be deliver for 8 GB and 16 GB cards.
  • Bash 4.2 (more powerful X-Terminal emulation)
  • Adds directory-colors to directory in X-Terminal emulation
  • Compatible with Swappoluble (edit and change settings)
  • simple Firewall (protect against DDOS, DOS, Spoffing, MITM, Flooding)
  • Traffic-Shapping
  • Cpu subsystem tuning
  • Network subsystem tuning
  • Virtual memory subsystem tuning
  • Massive interactivity improvement of File I/O subsystem under high load
  • libmlockall to lock the RAM of the X-Server (not letting it swapped in critical situations)
  • Compatible with kernel-power (v46, v47)
  • Sqlite-Optimizer (vaccum defragmentation of every single unencrypted sqlite database in the root folder, especially useful for microb, modest and tracker)
  • Microb performance optimization custom configuration script (user.js)
  • pulseaudio update
  • Control Groups tuning (4lineshack)
  • Installation-Windows (control of installation of additional libraries and Sqlite Optimization)
  • Fixed DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS issue in rootsh
  • pin rootsh to stop update of rootsh
  • blacklist joydev module
  • un-nice xorg
  • disable access control xorg
  • Re-Nice of important apps
Before the Installation make sure you have a backup of your data. Traffic shapping works only with power kernel (v47+).

30.01.2011 John G. 5$
30.06.2011 Riccardo N. 5$
04.07.2011 Edilson Santos B. 5$
22.05.2011 Diego I. 20$
01.06.2011 Steven H. 5$
20.11.2011 anonymous 5$
22.08.2013 Tobias B. 5$

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